WokMons Are Ready to Ship from China

Get your kitchens ready, folks! The WokMon container is being loaded now and will set sail from China at the end of this month. The estimated time of arrival in New York is end-August. After clearing customs, we should be ready to ship out all your pre-orders in early...

Production Run Nearing Completion

Great news! WokMon production is almost completed. The units are in the final polishing stage now. We also have to print the box artwork and some revised instructions. We will post another update when they are loaded on the ship from China and on their way to the...

Surprise Mention of WokMon

The WokMon received an unexpected mention in the January 7th, 2023 Daily Meal article about Wok Hei – Wok Hei: The Indefinable Quality Of A Perfect Wok Aroma – by Haldan Kirsch. Serious Eats says that one trick for the DIY fans at home is to modify your...

New Production Run

Hello WokMon Nation! Great news! Covid rules are being relaxed in China and the WokMon is going back into production. We are coming out with an improved set-up design and a new size. We will post an update soon on when we will start be able to start shipping out...

The Wok Meets the WokMon!

I attended Kenji’s Lopez alt’s book launch at the Bell House in Brooklyn. He wrote up on the WokMon’s early days at Serious Eats. Ed Levine founder of Serious Eats was moderator. We both signed our products. Now he will test the WokMon’s Wok...